Lose Weight Fast! Four of the Best Exercises for Weight Loss

Almost half of Australian adults have expressed a desire to lose weight in the past year. The reasons vary from person to person, and the rate at which you lose weight is different from others.

Despite innumerable differences, one fact remains true; Weight loss is a journey that is best undertaken with due care and consideration.

The main reasons for weight loss are diet and exercise. Proper diet encourages effective exercise, and these exercises, in turn, burn calories – a crucial step in making weight loss easier.

So if you do decide to shed a few pounds, the best thing you can do for quick, visible results is to strike a right balance between the two.

Not every workout is the same; some are better for quick weight loss than others. Here are four of the best exercises for anyone looking to lose a few pounds.

Interval training

Interval training refers to alternating periods of short, intense workouts with breaks in between for recovery. It is also commonly referred to as high-intensity interval training, or HIIT for short. HIIT primarily uses anaerobic energy systems.

These systems provide the body with bursts of energy for a short period of time while the need for oxygen is bypassed.

Certain movements are performed with force derived from a chemical called adenosine triphosphate (ATP) that is stored in cells. The body uses such measures to make up for its inability to provide enough oxygen quickly enough to meet the increased demand.

By definition, HIIT workouts are relatively quick workouts. A typical session rarely lasts longer than 25 to 30 minutes. They are ideal for weight loss due to their proven effect as a particularly effective calorie burner.

Studies show that HIIT enables participants to burn up to 30 percent more calories per workout than with other workout activities. Essentially, you burn more in less time.

If you want to take up HIIT, you have a choice between cardiovascular training and weight training. Note that regardless of the type selected, you also need to determine the timing per cycle.

Let's say you choose cycling as your preference. A HIIT bike workout involves pedaling as hard as you can for about 30 seconds before slowing down for a minute or so.

Repeat the cycle for up to 30 minutes as you adjust the resistance as you build your strength and increase your comfort.

Strength training

Strength training

Photo credit: Unsplash

Strength-based exercises build muscle and increase your calorie burn both in and out of the gym. The more muscles you have, your body's resting metabolic rate (RMR) increases. RMR is a measure of how many calories a body burns at rest.

The higher your RMR, the more weight you are likely to lose. This correlation leads to one of the main benefits of strength training.


Running and weight loss

Photo credit: Pixabay

Running and losing weight are as interlinked as milk and cookies. health Health researchers estimate that if you weigh about 70 kg, you typically burn about 372 calories every 30 minutes while running at an average speed of about 9 to 10 km per hour.

Studies done to investigate the benefits of running have shown that it helps you burn visceral fat. This type of fat, more commonly known as belly fat, is very harmful. It envelops the internal organs and causes serious chronic diseases such as diabetes and heart disease.

Running is a great exercise that gives you the freedom to choose what suits you best. You can opt for a treadmill or just plan an outdoor route.

In any case, avoid doing too much too soon. It is important to protect your joints as much as possible; So start slowly and build up over time.


Swimming and weight loss

Image credit: Pexels

Make the most of an enjoyable pastime by adding it to your fitness routine. Swimming is a great, fun and gentle form of exercise that is loved by many. You can burn significant numbers of calories in 30 minutes provided you pick the right punch.

As a reference, Butterfly induces the most calories burned when swimming back or simply treading water triggers the least.

Regardless, any time you spend in a pool with light to significant activity can only be beneficial.

These four examples are just one example of the exercises you can do for weight loss. Remember, it is also important to take care of your body while exercising.

You should try not to compromise security for faster results. Always take an extra second to make sure you are maintaining proper shape.

Also, take the time and improve your fitness to increase your weight loss. Be nice to yourself. Appreciate your body for what it is and celebrate the changes it will go through on your journey.

About the author:

Bayazid Bostami is a writer and digital marketer based in Dhaka, Bangladesh. He enjoys working with health and fitness, home improvement and automotive solutions to successfully and efficiently reach niche markets in a fun and informed manner.

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