Managing the brand new regular: Actively assist your loved ones climate the pandemic – . Well being Weblog

When the pandemic started earlier this year, it seemed like we could just crouch until summer, things would get better, and we could go back to normal (or at least something similar to normal). . We were in survival mode: we made compromises and broken some rules of parenting and otherwise made decisions that we normally would never make. Because that's exactly what you're doing when you're in survival mode.

It is now very clear that the pandemic will last at least this school year and the mode of survival is taking on a whole new meaning. It's time to develop new habits and routines specific to the pandemic. It's time to make better, more lasting choices that can help keep us healthier and happier.

Obviously, some things are not about decisions. If you have lost loved ones, have financial problems, live in a dangerous situation, or if you or someone in your family is thinking of harming yourself, please contact us. Your doctor may be able to direct you to resources in your community.

I'm talking about practical choices in everyday life that we can make in other ways to help us feel and live better. Be proactive – and do this as a group activity with your partner and family so everyone feels heard and invested.

Identify the pain points and address them first

Think about the past few months and literally make a list of everything that has been particularly difficult. Lack of structure? Too much screen time for everyone? Having trouble getting kids to do their remote work? Having trouble doing your own remote work? Do you feel isolated from friends and family?

Work together to come up with ideas to address these vulnerabilities. They could include:

  • Clear daily routines (use something like a white board so everyone is on the same page). Along with these routines, have screen time limit rules.
  • For those who do remote work or remote schooling, create rooms that can roughly use the classrooms or workspaces (e.g. no school from bed).
  • Think of some off-screen activities for you all. Books with pages, for example. Blocks for kids, crafts, dollhouses and other things that stimulate the imagination.
  • Establish regular remote contact with friends and relatives you haven't seen before. Consider expanding your "bubble" to include a select few friends and family who you trust are safe and take precautions.
  • When you have a partner, work out the division of labor so that both of you feel fair.

Identify activities that make you happy and incorporate them into them

We really need this now; it is crucial, not optional. We need to be aware of this. Identify both things people can do alone and things they can do together and make them part of your routines. Maybe for each adult it's some time to himself, a date night (light a few candles at a table after the kids go to sleep and put your phones aside), a family game night, a daily sill … whatever makes you smile, build them in.

Identify ways to become healthier physically and mentally

This is also crucial; We can't put that aside anymore. For example:

  • Make sure everyone is getting enough sleep (at night, not during the day, unless someone is working a night shift).
  • Eat healthy food. I know pandemics seem to justify comfort foods. But too many cookies, ice cream, and fries will eventually catch up with you and make you feel bad instead of good.
  • Get exercise. Every day is best, but do it at least five times a week – and make sure everyone in the family does it. It could literally be dancing in the kitchen or watching a YouTube exercise video. If you can go outside for even a short walk, so much the better – we have to be places where there are sometimes no blankets.
  • Watch your alcohol and other substance use. That little bit of taking the edge off can be a slippery slope.
  • Install in good time for communication with each other. It can be as simple as having a device-free family dinner and at least one device-free check-in with your partner.
  • Contact your doctor if you or anyone in your family is particularly sad or anxious. There are many resources available. Many consultants offer virtual sessions. Don't wait and hope it gets better. They can only get worse, and at least get better with help.

We will make it. The choices we make today will make all the difference in who and how we are when we show up. So let's meet them proactively, wisely and with kindness.

Follow me on Twitter @drClaire

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