Pineapple to Induce Labor (Research Based)

Are you about to end your pregnancy and longingly waiting for your due date? Or, you have passed your due date and there are still no signs of labor progress. When you can no longer wait for this moment, think about ways to go into labor. It is common for women to induce labor themselves. Pineapple is a fruit that can naturally speed up the work process. Here's everything you need to know about pineapple to induce labor.

Although there is no scientific study showing the role of pineapple in inducing labor, you should not try such induction methods until after the 40th week of pregnancy.

How does pineapple induce labor?

Labor is the process of childbirth, which involves contractions in the womb with a gradual opening of the cervix, which slowly pushes the baby out of the vagina. Here are a few reasons that you might think pineapple induces labor.

  • Pineapple contains an enzyme called bromelain, which is known to ripen and soften the cervix, which can cause slight contractions, which can lead to labor.
  • Bromelain is known to increase the production of a hormone called prostaglandin. This hormone softens the cervix and begins to open (dilate).
  • It is better to eat fresh pineapple, as bromelain is not found in canned fruit, as this enzyme is destroyed when the fruit is canned, bottled or even cooked. After the fresh fruits have been cut and left for some time, the enzyme decreases. Therefore, always eat fresh fruit when trying to induce labor.
  • Canned pineapple has very little nutritional value compared to fresh fruit. It is very low in vitamins and minerals and has three times more sugar than fresh ripe pineapple.

How Much Pineapple to Use to Induce Labor?

  • You need to eat plenty of fresh pineapple to induce labor. Pineapple is unlikely to induce labor if consumed in moderate amounts.

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Risks of Eating Pineapple to Induce Labor

  • It is better for pregnant women not to eat pineapple or drink pineapple juice during the first three months of pregnancy, as this can weaken the cervix and increase the risk of miscarriage.
  • Eating pineapple anytime before full delivery can lead to early labor.
  • Pineapple is better for health when eaten in moderation. The same fruit can cause health risks if consumed in excess.
  • Due to the high vitamin C content, consuming too much pineapple can lead to vomiting, diarrhea, or heartburn.
  • Excessive consumption of pineapple can cause burning sensations in the mouth, tongue, cheeks, and throat due to the high acidity of this fruit.
  • Pineapple is high in sugar (and canned pineapple is significantly high in sugar). Pregnant women with diabetes should therefore be careful when consuming large amounts of pineapple as this can increase your blood sugar levels. Of course, at this crucial point in your pregnancy, you can't take any chances if your blood sugar levels go up.
  • Bromelain slows down the process of blood clotting. So if you are already taking medicines that slow blood clotting (anticoagulants / platelet aggregation inhibitors), eating too many pineapples can increase your risk of bleeding.
  • Bromelain causes allergic reactions in some people. So be careful when eating pineapple.
  • Always follow your doctor's advice before consuming pineapple to induce labor.

Research on pineapples to induce labor

In all fairness, examinations cannot be carried out on pregnant women as this poses a life risk for the mother and the fetus. Hence, the scope of research on this topic is very limited. A 2016 study showed that pineapple extract can cause uterine contractions. Here the pineapple extract was applied directly to the uterine tissue isolated from pregnant rats and pregnant women. In this study, pineapple was not taken orally. Therefore the scope of the results is very limited.

Another 2015 study concluded that pineapple juice caused significant uterine contractions in isolated uterus of pregnant rats. The effects were similar to those of the labor-inducing hormone oxytocin. However, the study did not find that pineapple juice had no effects on live pregnant rats.

None of the studies showed how quickly the pregnant rats actually had their babies. These studies showed data on contractions. However, none of them mentioned the maturation of the cervix. Also, not all contractions lead to active labor.

More tips for inducing labor

There are many other ways you can naturally induce labor.

  • Castor oil is an ancient practice for inducing labor. Castor oil has a powerful laxative effect that leads to diarrhea. Some women find it a very uncomfortable method. In addition, it is said to be potentially harmful to the baby as well.
  • Many herbs like black cohosh and blue cohosh can also do the job. Again, herbs can have side effects. So be careful when using herbs to induce labor.
  • Staying active through physical activities such as walking, swimming, and climbing stairs can trigger contractions.
  • Not to mention the usefulness of homeopathic medicines like caulophyllum. Not only are they safe, they also start the work process very smoothly. However, it is always good to consult a homeopathic doctor before taking any medication.

Neither labor induction method is 100% guaranteed. Success largely depends on how the baby positions itself in the womb and how prepared your body is for labor.

End of note:

There is no clinical evidence of pineapple used to induce labor. Pregnant women who have tried eating pineapple to induce labor have had different experiences. Some of the women reported diarrhea, others reported fast delivery. Whether pineapple induces labor in your case is an individual experience. Your baby arrives when it is supposed to arrive. Eating pineapple in moderation is key to your health and your baby. Have patience and safe delivery!

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