Sick little one this college 12 months? Planning for the inevitable throughout a pandemic – . Well being Weblog

Children get sick; It's part of life. They catch colds, they develop a fever, they vomit and they develop diarrhea. Most of the time it's nothing at all. But this year, as we battle our way through the COVID-19 pandemic, every sniff will be complicated.

The problem is that in addition to being mild, symptoms of COVID-19 can be similar to symptoms of all common illnesses that children constantly suffer from. Symptoms can be

  • Fever, even a mild one
  • Cough (for which you have no further clear reason)
  • Difficulty breathing
  • Sore throat or runny nose (for which you have no other clear reason)
  • Loss of taste or smell
  • Headache (if with other symptoms)
  • Muscle or body pain
  • Nausea, vomiting, or diarrhea.

And even if there is another explanation for a sore throat or cough, that doesn't mean your child couldn't have COVID-19 too. Humans can get two germs at the same time.

Set the bar low to keep sick children at home

This is not a year where you can send your child to school or daycare with that cough or that vomit or that low temperature and hope for the best. This year we must do our best to keep everyone sick at home, whether they have COVID-19 or something else. This is also not a year to skip the flu shot. We need to have as little influenza as possible this year to keep everyone safe and well-being.

Here's what you should do if your child has any of the above symptoms:

  • Keep them out of school or daycare. I understand this may mean a lack of work, but there is simply no choice.
  • As much as possible, keep her away from other family members.
  • Call your doctor. If you have difficulty breathing, have a high fever, severe pain or irritability, or are unusually sleepy, you should go to an emergency room. Otherwise, your doctor will advise you on next steps, including testing for COVID-19.

In theory, anyone with any of the above symptoms should be tested. But that may not be possible. And for some children – those with mild symptoms who are out of daycare or school, whose parents work remotely, and who are out of contact with high-risk individuals – a test may not be critical as long as everyone can stay at home. Make sure you speak to your doctor and understand exactly what you and other family members should do if your child isn't tested.

The difference between quarantine and isolation

Quarantine and isolation are two terms that are widely used these days, and while they are often used interchangeably, they are not the same thing.

  • Quarantine means staying at home: no trips to shops or outside the home or yard.
  • Isolating means staying away from other people in the house – in a separate room, preferably with a separate bathroom (or wiping in between), wearing a mask when they have to leave their room, and not carrying utensils, towels or other items with them share someone.

What to do if a test for COVID-19 is positive or you cannot get a test

The American Academy of Pediatrics and the Centers for Disease Control and Prevention (CDC) recommend the following steps:

If your child tests positive for COVID-19:

  • Make sure you are in touch with your doctor, follow all recommendations, and call for help if you have any concerns about how your child is behaving or feeling.
  • Isolate your child at home as much as possible.
  • Send them back to school or daycare first at least 10 days from the onset of their symptoms (longer if they are still sick) and until they have not had a fever for at least 24 hours without antipyretic drugs

Children who test positive are considered infectious up to this point of 10 days / without a fever. So family members who live with the child must be quarantined up to 14 days after the 10 day point (If someone gets sick, call your doctor). You should also wear masks and do your best to isolate yourself from others at home as you never know which person may get sick.

Testing family members doesn't change the quarantine requirement, as the incubation period can be up to 14 days. In theory, you could be infected by the ninth day of your child's infection – and show no symptoms for 14 days after that. It is best to wait four to five days after the 10 day point to make sure the test is correct (although any family member with symptoms should schedule a test right away). Testing family members can identify asymptomatic cases – and reset the quarantine clock for everyone else. Your doctor can guide you through the treatment.

This will be difficult and very disruptive, but it is the only way to contain the virus.

If you can't or can't test your child, The same instructions apply as you will not know if COVID-19 is present. So you have to pretend to be sure.

What to do if a test for COVID-19 is negative?

If your child tests negative for COVID-19, Talk to your doctor about what to do and when your child can return to school or daycare. This will depend on your child's symptoms and whether another diagnosis has been made.

What to do if your child is exposed to COVID-19 from home

When your child is exposed to someone with COVID-19 outside the home (10 to 15 minutes within a 6 foot radius) call your doctor for advice. Most likely, you will be told that your child will need to be quarantined for 14 days after their last exposure to this person. As above, unless your child develops symptoms, if you choose to have a test, wait a few days. In this case, an immediate test is a good idea. A negative test will not bring your child out of quarantine. However, if it tests positive, you'll need to quarantine it – and start the clock on everyone else's quarantine.

It's complicated, I know. Call your doctor's office with any questions – and visit the American Academy of Pediatrics website.

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