Signs and Symptoms of Ketosis / How to know if you are in Ketosis ( What is keto flu and Remedies )

Keto diet, ketones, ketosis … all of these topics are extremely popular these days. What is ketosis? It is normal? Or is it harmful to the body? What if ketosis persists for a long time? Signs and Symptoms of Ketosis? How do you know if you are in ketosis? What is keto flu and what are the cures for keto flu? Find answers to all of your questions in our latest article.

What is ketosis?

Ketosis is a condition in which the body burns fat for fuel to produce energy. This happens when carbohydrates are withdrawn from the body to provide energy. The byproduct of fat loss is ketones. These ketones are used as fuel by the body. On a keto weight loss diet, the body goes through ketosis.

Facts about ketosis:

  • With an increase in the level of ketones in the blood, the acidity of the blood increases. This can prove fatal.
  • Ketones that are not used by the body are excreted in the urine.
  • People with type 1 diabetes are more prone to higher ketone levels, which leads to ketoacidosis. Emergency medical treatment is required to prevent or treat a diabetic coma in such patients.
  • Originally, the keto diet was used to treat epilepsy, with studies showing that ketones reduced the number of epilepsy attacks.

How does ketosis help you lose weight?

  • Controls appetite: When the ketone level in the body is high, the hunger hormone ghrelin suppresses it. So people don't feel hungry all the time. This is the principle that works in the keto diet for weight loss.
  • Weight loss: If the appetite is suppressed, the total calories consumed are reduced. With calorie restriction, people experience weight loss. Also, more protein and fat in the food keep you full longer and thus reduce the binge eating at the next meal.
  • Maintaining blood sugar levels: Being in ketosis automatically means consuming less carbohydrates, which in turn controls the insulin response. When blood sugar and insulin are balanced, the blood sugar level does not rise.
  • Improved athletic performance: Ketones during ketosis ensure a very long-lasting fuel supply. This is necessary in the case of sustained training in the athletes.
  • Seizure Management: As we all know, a ketogenic diet and ketones in the body reduce the occurrence of seizures in both children and adults.
  • Other advantages: Ketosis also helps in reducing the frequency and severity of migraine headaches. It also helps reverse PCOS and slow the progression of Alzheimer's disease. But there isn't enough evidence to support these benefits.

Keto Diet Plan For Weight Loss:

S.Signs and Symptoms of Ketosis:

  • Dry mouth or metallic taste in the mouth
  • Increased thirst and frequent urination
  • Keto, or fruity breath
  • Initial fatigue followed by an increase in energy
  • Decrease in appetite and food intake

How can you measure ketones in the body?

Ketone levels between 0.5 and 3 mmol / L are considered nutritional ketosis, which is found during a keto diet. You can also measure ketones with blood monitors, breath analyzers, and urine test strips.

How does your body react to high ketone levels?

Switching from carbohydrates to fats as the main fuel source may take your body some time to accept. In a few days after starting the keto diet, your body will go into ketosis. You may feel lethargic, weak, tired, constant mild headaches, difficulty concentrating. This is known as Keto flu.

What is keto flu?

Is It Really The Flu? Is it Contagious or Dangerous? No, it's not the flu or it's not contagious. The symptoms of ketosis are known as the keto flu. This is a temporary condition. Keto flu can occur in the first few days after a keto diet. Once the body gets used to ketosis, you will feel more energetic than before. With a little more effort, you can treat the keto flu very efficiently.

It's best to focus more on the calories needed each week of the keto diet. Do not increase or decrease the amount of food according to your hunger. Get proper guidance from an expert before reducing or increasing your food intake.

With the keto flu, you won't feel hungry. However, don't skip the recommended calories. If you are excessively hungry, you can drink calorie-free liquids or eat eggs between meals. However, this needs to be discussed with your nutritionist and well planned.

Symptoms of the keto flu:

  • Tiredness and dizziness
  • headache
  • Irritability and lack of motivation
  • Difficulty focusing
  • Cravings for sugar
  • Nausea
  • Muscle spasms

The keto flu is very subjective for a person. Some could accept ketosis well and others could develop severe keto flu symptoms.

Remedies to Keep Keto Flu Under Control:

  • Increase your salt and water intake: The body excretes the excess ketones in the urine. As a result, frequent urination can occur, which leads to dehydration. Dehydration is the leading cause of headaches, nausea, and dizziness. Just drink a glass of water with half a teaspoon of salt to help relieve keto flu symptoms. A keto diet requires at least 3 liters of water.
  • Focus on the amount of fat: With a carbohydrate restriction, the body will starve to death. Hence, the best option is to compensate for carbohydrates with fats. Sufficient fats prevent hunger throughout the day and still have enough energy to carry out daily activities.
  • Slow down: Limit your carbohydrate intake slowly and gradually before starting the keto diet. Start with a moderate, low-carb diet, then switch to a proper keto diet. It will slow down the weight loss process, but you will overcome the keto flu symptoms and get rid of them.
  • Monitor your physical activity: Initially with low energy, you will need to limit your daily exercise. If you overdo physical activity, the symptoms of the keto flu get worse. The body adapts to the use of the energy source from carbohydrates to fats. During heavy training sessions, the body has to cope with additional loads. Gradually increase the training intensity as your body allows.
  • Consume calories according to your needs – no less, no more: Each individual will react in their own way with the keto diet. Some may feel hungrier than before, some may feel good. Some might have the keto flu and some might not.

Final grade:

Partial knowledge of something is more dangerous than ignorance. If you want to start a new experiment on your body, you will know everything. Let experts advise you and understand what your body needs. Everyone is different, their needs are different. Even pure determination with correct leadership always leads to the desired results.

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