Stressed And Depressed! Five Things To Avoid For Better Mental Health

Five tips for better mental health

1. Do not be deprived of sleep

Whatever the reason for high levels of stress, lack of sleep is one factor that has a huge impact on it. When we don't get the sleep we need, we become more prone to stress. When we're not well rested, we tend to weaken our cognitive functions, which leads to anxiety. A high level of stress affects our ability to get a good night's sleep.

To avoid sleep deprivation, one must maintain good sleeping habits, such as: Such as the use of electronic screens in bed, a disciplined sleep time and schedule, and the use of dark curtains in the bedroom.

2. Control the overload of the work or study plan

If you work from home or are even a student trying to work and study from home, please make sure you don't overload yourself with heavy work and study schedules. It has been observed very closely that the young people, just to fulfill their ambitions, take on a job that is beyond their capacities and thereby become stressed, anxious and confronted with conflicts at home. All these young people need to understand that there are only 24 hours in a day and of that around 6-7 hours must be devoted to rest and sleep in order to avoid a stressful life beyond their control.

3. Watch your diet

Stress and binge eating are the two worst combinations that can take a blow to your mental health if you are unaware of the "what, how, and why" of the food you are eating.

What you eat actually affects how you feel about yourself. Stress affects your cravings and leads to emotional eating, which, by the way, is a deadly endless cycle. To find out more about the relationship between stress and eating habits, read here …

4. Stop ignoring exercises

Exercise is an activity that can help you overcome stress. A good walk outdoors will certainly help deal with stressful moments in the short term, which, when done, will help reduce stress and build resilience to it in the long term. But the fact remains that one is with mental health problems like stress and depression, leaving your own four walls becomes too strenuous. It is important to remember that not exercising is one of the reasons for the stress and anxiety that one experiences. Make dopamine an essential part of your daily life to stay away from mental health issues. So don't hesitate to make the most of the outdoors or even indoors to benefit from exercise, even if that is the last thing you want to do. Force yourself to do it and you will get stressed.

5. Do not get into pointless direct confrontation with someone

Yes i mean it. Getting involved in pointless discussion or face-to-face confrontation with loved ones under stress can cost you dearly. I've seen budding relationships go down the drain just because someone who was overwhelmed with doing more than they could chew was relieving frustration at the wrong time. Remember, when you are stressed, don't think too much or brood. Brooding increases the stress and makes the focus on negativity.

Mental health
Photo by Lesly Juarez on Unsplash

Each of us faces things that cause Stress. It is natural to constantly think about things in order to better understand the stressful situations so that they can change, but there are people who fall into obsessive, unproductive and negative thinking. All we have to do is avoid the above things in order to reduce stress levels through conscious action. As they say, prevention is always better than cure, so it is a must to consider every act and thought mental health problems.

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