The Top Teen Health Risks

Life has gotten so complicated these days with so many things around us. It has become difficult for our mental health, and especially for teenagers, whose brains are more prone to complications.

These days, teenagers are at more and more psychological risk than ever before, and they have to deal with things like online bullying, alcohol and substance abuse, school screaming, etc.

This completely messes up their emotional wellbeing and they don't even realize when to seek a therapist.

For this reason, according to many recent studies, suicide rates and other psychological risks have risen rapidly in recent years.

This is why it is really important for caregivers and parents to have difficult but appropriate conversations with their children to help them make wise decisions about their health, life, and safety.

Here are some of the top mental health risks teenagers face today and what you can do to help your teenage child:

1. Suicide

Suicide is the second leading cause of death among young teenagers worldwide and has been identified in several cases; Research has shown that this rate has increased by up to 56% recently.

There can be a number of reasons for teen suicides and one of the main reasons is that at this point in their life as they are growing up they have a fragile mental state and need to be treated with proper care.

The various factors that contribute to suicide are family problems, loneliness, depression and some kind of abuse, etc.

Another major reason is that most teachers do not have very good communication skills, and therefore suppressing their feelings for a long time can lead them to take desperate measures such as suicide.

2. Pregnancy sex and sexually transmitted diseases

One of the most important conversations that you should have with your teenagers is sex talk. While this can be a bit of an uncomfortable topic for you and your child at first, it is very important to educate them about the risks associated with any sexual activity.

You should show them how to practice safe sex at a safe age and the importance of understanding the concept of consent.

Since sexual activity, rape, is one of the most popular mental health risks among teenagers, you need to educate them appropriately about the sexually transmitted diseases and pregnancy risks associated with unsafe sex.

3. Substance abuse

To compensate for the mental health issues, most teenagers turn to medication for temporary mental relief.

Most of the time, teens see drugs as their only way to escape from a certain state of reality, and instead of getting help with something they are going through, they choose drugs.

From simple tobacco cigarettes to dangerous drugs like weed and cocaine have been used by many teenagers who eventually risk their lives by completely damaging their physical health.

So, in case you catch your teen using drugs or smoking, try not to give them ultimatums or threats and instead talk to them to find a way out.

You can also try pairing them with therapists and rehabilitation centers to bring them back to their lives safely.

4. Alcohol

Alcohol is another major psychological risk that teenagers use to find an easy way out of their stressful lives, and they can even become addicted to it.

According to several surveys, around 30% of high-ranking people say they drink alcohol and consume more than four to five drinks a day.

To spare your child from such habits, you can speak to them politely and make them aware of the health risks of alcohol and its effects on life.

About the author:

Jamshaid Chaudhary, I started writing my personal blog as a professional and then discovered my true calling which is to write about technology, news and gadgets in general. I've been a technical writer, author, and blogger since 2010. An industry watcher who stays up to date on the latest features, has an extreme passion for juicy tech news and everything related to gadgets.

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