These Are The Best Protein Sources For Heart Health, Study Says

Beyond the red meat world, there is a certain hierarchy of ideal sources of protein for supporting heart health.

According to research, legumes are the recommended red meat substitute in a heart health-focused diet – up to four servings of 180 grams per week, specifically. In case you're not sure, legumes include beans, lentils, chickpeas, peanuts, soybeans, and peas. While peanuts are technically a legume, they are better categorized with the other nuts – this research recommends about a handful (30 grams) per day, but not as a primary source of protein.

More recent findings also speak in favor of fish as a substitute, albeit in more moderate quantities: two to four servings of 150 g per week. The researchers point out that there may be sustainability concerns about making fish a primary source of protein, but there are some more sustainable fish options that might go well.

Poultry in up to three 100 gram servings per week turned out to be a relatively neutral source.

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