This Diwali—Lights and the Power of One

Most cosmogonies or creation stories have similar elements. The idea that dark and light – female and male – arise together is one such example of a common theme. Hindu cosmogony is no exception. Before the creation time, when all was dark, Shakti (feminine energy of the universe) and Shiva (masculine) were connected as a single source. The illusion of duality, the belief that opposites exist, was born when they parted. The story goes that because of their separation we live in suffering and try to be whole and reunited again. We remain convinced that what we want and need is outside of us. We do not understand that we and everyone around us are already whole.

The merging of the male and female energies of Shiva and Shakti is said to be the source of everything in the universe. The etymology of the word universe illustrates this: uni (one) + verse (poetic line). Our thoughts, our intentions and our actions spring from a single poetic line. In numerology, number one is a clue to focus on your thoughts and remember the intentions you are putting into the world. The number one serves as a reminder that your thoughts are influencing your actions and what you believe to be manifesting.

Every human being consists of male and female energy: we are Shakti and we are Shiva. But we forget about this and tear ourselves apart, telling ourselves that we are not good enough, strong enough, successful enough, tall enough, pretty enough, or rich enough. Because of our inability to recognize our individual greatness as part of a continuous energy that connects us with all beings, we manifest the very fears and doubts we are trying to hide.

Photo by Gianandrea Villa

We are born into this world with a Dharma, our path and purpose in life. The connection with our Dharma draws us to the inner joy and bliss that comes when one no longer searches the outer world for happiness. To be on your dharmic path means to live from this cosmic source and when you serve yourself you are serving others.

This November is an energetic time of strong manifestation and arrival on our path. On November 7th, Diwali begins in various regions of India as a celebration of light over darkness, good over evil. Diwali begins on the new moon, and like before creation, everything is dark. The new moon represents the enormous potential of a new cycle. During this time when the sky is dark there is a natural tendency to go inside and reflect on yourself.

However, in the dark we can hide our embarrassment, trauma, self-doubt and shame. But from a non-dualistic point of view, our dark and light sides are two sides of the same coin. Just as we are made up of masculine and feminine energies, we are also the qualities of light and dark. So do we let our ego and fears trigger shame, regret and guilt – or do we move from the heart with compassion, acceptance, strength and selfless power?

According to Joanne Sacred Scribes, the number 11 is a karmic number that symbolizes spiritual enlightenment, and when we pay attention to the number 11 – the number of the month of November – it connects with our higher selves and guides us towards our purpose in life. our dharma.

When we pay attention to the number 11, it connects with our higher selves and guides us to our purpose in life – our Dharma.

When we honor our own divine purpose, we find the light to guide us. Each of us is on a path that leads to our best selves. On this way we fall in love, lose love, fall down, discover short cuts, lose each other, feel abandoned and discover joy. We look outside of ourselves and ignore the signs that we are light and dark, male and female, yin and yang. This is the way to discover that you are perfect and whole. Never forget: You are one with the universe, individually, but not alone.

Kimi MarinKimi Marin is a Portland-based yoga teacher who helps people find clarity in their mind, body, and spirit. Kimi has a Masters Degree in Literature and loves to combine the power of stories with yoga, often incorporating the myths and stories about various poses into the classroom. Her transformative Yogic Lore Flow workshops are a fun combination of stories, asanas, meditation and mantras. Kimi was featured in Origin Magazine's Inspire Series, was the featured Ahnu Footwear Ambassador in June 2013, and her lyrics are featured on multiple blog sites. Follow her on Facebook, Twitter and Instagram.

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