This is How You Should Take Care of Both

Today, as we find ourselves in a global infectious pandemic in which we are collectively faced with daily insecurities, we are simultaneously seeing the emergence of a mental health crisis that causes feelings of loneliness, fear and fear in some people, leading to increased levels Stress and stress leads to depression. It has never been more important to find ways to take care of both our mental and physical health!

Fortunately, the human body is a beautifully intricate, interconnected system that is nowhere better demonstrated than in the brain-gut connection. The explosion of scientific knowledge about the microbiome has helped us figure out how this works second Brain hidden in the walls of the digestive system, including the mouth, digestion, mood, health, and even the way that individuals think.

Historically, education has led us to believe that our DNA makes us who we are and what we are, but what many of us fail to realize is that DNA does not come entirely from our own human cells. It also comes from the millions of microbes (bacteria) that live on our skin, in our mouth, in the intestines, and pretty much everywhere in the human body. In fact, their genes are 150 times higher than ours! Make our microbiome, including our oral microbiome, as individual as our fingerprint!

Recognizing that individuality and taking care of our microbiome, which in turn takes care of us, is something we can all do on a daily basis – from choosing our foods to the products we use for our oral health care. The enzymes and proteins in saliva and those in saliva Zendium Toothpaste, help you keep a healthy balance between good and bad bacteria in your mouth. They promote both gum health and targeted problem-causing bad bacteria.

Although research on the relationship between oral health and mental health is relatively new, studies suggest that there is a cyclical relationship where good oral health can improve mental and general health, while poor oral health can worsen mental health problems, and mental health states too Oral health can cause problems.

These are some of the ways our mental health can affect our oral health:

  • Depression has been linked to higher incidences of alcohol, caffeine, and tobacco abuse, which can lead to tooth erosion and tooth decay.
  • Depression often causes self-neglect, which often leads to poor oral hygiene and the resulting tooth decay.
  • Vomiting acids make patients with eating disorders more prone to tooth decay.

Interestingly, the connection also goes the other way, where oral health can also affect mental health:

  • Poor oral health affects language, which can lead to significant social anxiety.
  • Bad breath can also exacerbate social anxiety.
  • Patients with mental illness are 2.8 times more likely to have lost all teeth and have a higher rate of tooth decay. This affects appearance, self-esteem, and self-image.

Taking good care of our mouth – teeth, gums and oral microbiome – not only ensures a bright white smile. The phrase “healthy mouth, healthy you” is truly true and is backed by growing scientific evidence.

Here is a list of ways you can take care of both your oral health and your mental health:

1. Brush the last one at night and at another time of the day with fluoride-based toothpaste to prevent tooth decay AND consider using a mouthwash as well

The presence of fluoride in toothpaste wOrcs, to attract other minerals (like calcium) to the area, which will re-mineralize the enamel and prevent cavities. Preserving our tooth enamel means we have strong, healthy teeth that give us the confidence to smile all day! Also consider using a mouthwash like Zendium Comprehensive protection that helps in two ways: it cleans hard-to-brush areas in and around the gums and re-mineralises the teeth. “Mouthwashes are a great way to perfect your oral care routine.

2. Take care of your microbiome

Eat a diet high in prebiotic and probiotic foods like kimchi, sauerkraut, live yogurt, cucumber, kombucha, garlic, onions, asparagus, bananas, oats, and apples. Using Zendium Toothpastes specially formulated with enzymes and proteins to provide prebiotic benefits and strengthen the good bacteria in your mouth are another great way to take care of our microbiome, meaning we take care of our brain-gut axis and keep the bad bacteria from attacking our teeth and gums.

3. Limit sugary and acidic foods

Ultimately, sugar turns into acid in the mouth, which can then damage tooth enamel. These acids lead to voids. Sour fruits, teas, and coffee can wear away tooth enamel. While you don't necessarily need to avoid such foods entirely, it doesn't hurt to be mindful.

4. Drink more water

Water continues to be the best drink for your overall health – including oral health. As a rule of thumb, you should also drink water after every meal. This can help flush out some of the negative effects of sticky and acidic foods and drinks between brushes.

5. Visit your dentist at least twice a year

Your own daily habits are critical to your overall oral health. Even so, even the most dutiful of brushes and flosses need to see a dentist regularly. You should visit your dentist at least twice a year to get cleaned and examined. In addition to removing tartar and looking for cavities, a dentist can identify potential problems and offer treatment solutions.

6. Take care of our general and mental health

  • Take a deep breath, stretch, and meditate
  • Eat healthy, balanced meals
  • Do sports regularly
  • Get at least seven and a half hours of good sleep every night
  • Avoid excessive alcohol and drug use
  • Take some time to relax. Try to do some other activities that you enjoy.
  • Connect with others. Talk to people you trust about your concerns and how you are feeling.
  • Take breaks from watching, reading, or listening to the news

By respecting the symbiotic relationships of our body and taking these special, complex relationships into account, we can in turn support our oral and mental health and find many other tips and advice on oral health to keep your oral microbiome in balance Here. It's worth smiling about it!

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Kimberly Parsons is an Australian born vegetarian cook, food writer and trained health practitioner. In her series of cookbooks entitled "The Yoga Kitchen" and "The Yoga Kitchen Plan", learn how to tune into your innate wisdom, which she calls "Body Intelligence," by following traditional yoga philosophy and eating principles for a long time use lasting, vibrant health and happiness. Kimberly was once the owner of 3 healthy food yoga cafes across London called & # 39; Retreat & # 39 ;. Today she cooks on health retreats around the world and lives in the English countryside, where she cooks for many celebrities and private clients such as Lily James and Jenna Coleman delivering their bespoke healthy meals in the yoga kitchen to their clients across London. Connect with them on their website.

Presented by Zendium

Zendium toothpaste protects your mouth in a gentle way and is intended to strengthen your mouth – not to fight it. The pioneering formula contains natural antibacterial enzymes and proteins to help strengthen your mouth's strongest defense system: the oral microbiome. Zendium is kind by nature. Instead of using harsh chemicals, Zendium uses ingredients that have prebiotic benefits and are SLS foam-free, making it suitable for even the most sensitive of mouths.

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