Tips and Facts • Yoga Basics

Many of us have felt the rejuvenating and invigorating effects of yoga, but how can we maintain our practice in a safe and healthy manner as we age? With age comes the inevitable reality of living with chronic injury, general wear and tear on joints and muscles, and decreased skin elasticity and tone. Although the often nasty side effects associated with aging include stiffness, decreased mobility, and decreased strength, they are not necessarily taken for granted. Regular yoga practice in older populations can improve physical function, mental health, pain, flexibility, and balance.

Studies on Yoga for Aging

A meta-analysis published in the April 2019 issue of the International Journal of Behavioral Nutrition and Physical Activity provides strong evidence of the powerful benefits of yoga for older yoga practitioners. In the article, the researchers examined 22 studies across 10 databases to see if there was hard evidence that yoga actually benefits people as they age.

Inclusion criteria for the study included a focus on adults aged 60 and over, with no prior yoga recruitment due to specific health issues. In the studies examined, the duration of the exercises was between one and seven months, with individual sessions of 30 to 90 minutes being carried out 2-3 times a week. Eight types of yoga were used in the studies. The most popular were Hatha Yoga, Chair Yoga, and Iyengar Yoga. Using statistical analyzes, the researchers compared the results of the studies with other forms of exercise such as walking and gentle aerobics, and with no activity at all.

Yoga improves general wellbeing

A wide range of physical improvements have been identified, including Increased flexibility, greater strength and improved balance and motor coordination. Participants also showed an increased sense of physical health, mental health, and emotional well-being compared to those who did other or no physical exercise.

Just as important were the mental improvements that went with it decreased anxiety and depression, better sleep, and an improved feeling of general vitality. This aspect is particularly encouraging as, in addition to the purely physical effects of aging, people can also face a number of challenging mental and emotional issues. These are often caused by the death of loved ones, the reality of decreased physical abilities, and possibly also the fear of death, although a study published in the Journal of Gerontology finds that in many cases the fear of death actually decreases with age.

Essential Yoga Poses for Older Practitioners

The most common postures The ones used in this yoga for aging programs were Cat and Cow / Dog Pose, Tree, Triangle, Seated Rotation, Mountain Pose, Warrior I, Cobra, Chair Pose, Eagle, Grasshopper, Dog Downward Facing, Wind Relief Pose, Child Pose, Standing Hand-Close -Foot Pose and Cow Face Pose. Modifications and the use of props, especially blocks, are highly recommended when practicing these poses with anyone over the age of 60. In this age group, it is especially important to modify or skip yoga postures if there is pain or discomfort in the joints.

Other research on yoga for healthy aging

The results of the study also confirm other research on the benefits of yoga for general health. An interesting piece published in Future of Science OA in June 2016 examines the Antiaging Effects of Pranayama PracticeAlthough more control studies are needed, there appears to be a positive correlation between yoga and decreased aging effects on the skin, largely due to the antioxidant and cleansing effects of certain poses and breathing exercises.

Yoga Practices That Benefit Aging

Yoga’s multifaceted approach to wellness focuses on the relationship between the mind and body and health, and on the interconnection of all aspects of a person's life in relation to general health. This ancient practice and way of life includes asana (physical poses), pranayama (breath work), and meditation so that people can find the best combination that suits their needs at any given time. While it is of course wise and safe to meet where we are in terms of our exercise skills, it is also important to understand the perceived limitations of an aging body or fear of pain or decreased ability to stand in our way, not to allow.

Find your own way

Lifelong student and teacher BKS Iyengar continued his daily yoga practice until the 1990s. In his words, “Often times people think that in old age they should do dhyana (meditation) or japa (repetition of mantras) instead of asana and pranayama. I am not such a sadhaka (practitioner) who seeks shelter under the guise of old age. I will not run away from my practice because of the fear complex of age … Because of age, I have increased the time in my practices. Mind and body want to give in. Every day I challenge my body and mind to stand with willpower so that I do not surrender to the weakness of my body and mind. "

There is no "one size fits all" formula for yoga. and regardless of our age, we are constantly faced with the challenge of just getting on the mat despite the physical or mental resistance that may exist. Regular yoga practice provides a valuable framework for general health, with many modifications available to us. This makes it an ideal lifelong practice that develops with us as we age, change, and grow.

We recommend working with a yoga teacher with a yoga certification for healthy aging or similar training who has experience working with senior yoga students. There are also some excellent books to refer to, such as Yoga for Healthy Aging, Yoga to Stay Young, and Staying Young with Yoga.

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