Trauma in the Womb

Last updated: 20th November 2020

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Samuel López De Victoria, Ph.D.

Samuel Lopez De Victoria, Ph.D. is a psychotherapist in private practice. He has taught as a professor of psychology at Miami Dade College in Miami, Florida, at the University of the Rocky Mountains in Colorado Springs, Colorado, and currently at Ashford University in Clinton, IA. He can be contacted through his website at

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APA reference

López De Victoria, S. (2020). Trauma in the womb. Psych Central.
Retrieved November 20, 2020 from

Scientifically verified

Last updated: November 20, 2020 (originally November 20, 2020)

Last check: By a member of our scientific advisory board on November 20, 2020
Published on Psych All rights reserved.

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