Vaccine Monitor: Some Who Were Hesitant to Get a Vaccine in January Say They Changed Their Mind Because of Family, Friends and Their Personal Doctors

A new report from the KFF COVID-19 Vaccine Monitor finds that people who initially hesitated to get a vaccine in January ended up saying so many times that family, friends, and their personal doctors helped change their minds.

The report includes a second round of interviews with a nationwide representative sample of adults, six months after they first announced their vaccine intentions in January, at the start of the nationwide vaccine distribution effort. The new survey evaluates whether or not they received a COVID-19 vaccine, the reasons for their choice, and their thoughts on their decision.

Half of them first told us that they wanted to be vaccinated as soon as possible or that they had already received at least one dose. Now two-thirds say they have been vaccinated, including the vast majority (92%) of those who planned to get vaccinated “as soon as possible” in January, along with just over half (54%) of those who “let's wait and see.” At the same time, three-quarters (76%) of those who previously said they “only needed” or “never” received a COVID-19 vaccine remain unvaccinated.

Importantly, one in five (21%) of all adults is now vaccinated after expressing some hesitation in January, saying that they had planned to wait for the vaccination, would only get it if needed, or would definitely not be vaccinated . Many in this group report that friends, family members, and their personal doctors influence their decision about a vaccine. This includes getting friends and family members vaccinated without serious side effects (25%), pressure from friends and family (8%), being able to visit family members safely (3%), and talking to their personal doctors (11%). Another tenth (9%) say easing restrictions on vaccinated people was a factor.

In her own words, what did you learn or hear that made you want to be vaccinated?

"Not many side effects and others were vaccinated" – 21 year old, male, white, independent, Georgia ("wait and see" in January)

“That it was clearly safe. Nobody died. "- 32 year old, male, white, Republican, South Carolina (" wait and see "in January)

"Five generations of our family get together in a week" – 68 year old, male, white, Democrat, California ("wait" in January)

“My gynecologist advised me that it is safe to use during pregnancy and / or while trying to get pregnant, and there are studies showing that women who do get pregnant get COVID more during and after childbirth Had hematological problems. ", Alabama (" wait and see "in January)

In fact, some vaccinated adults state that they can protect or see their friends and family members when the main reason why they decided to have a vaccination. And two-thirds (65%) say they have personally tried to convince friends and family members to get an injection.

A third of all adults remain unvaccinated, including 16% of adults who previously announced that they would be vaccinated “as soon as possible” or would “wait” before being given a vaccine. When asked why they changed their minds, many cite the vaccine side effects as the main reason.

In her own words: what changed your mind?

“What changed my mind is that people are telling me how sick they got after they got the vaccination. I really don't want to get sick from a vaccination so I kind of lost interest ”- 54 year old, male, white, Republican, California (“ ASAP ”in January)

“I have allergies to the possible risks. The risks, in my opinion, are not a risk I want to take. ”- 18 year old, male, Hispanic, Democrat, Florida (“ ASAP ”in January)

“My husband got the vaccine and he had a lot of side effects. I usually end up having some (or) all of the side effects listed "- 42 year old, female, Hispanic, independent, California (" wait and see "in January)

The new report is available through the monitor's online dashboard and also cites the open-ended responses from many of the respondents, reflecting the diversity of their views and experiences regarding their views and decisions regarding vaccinations.

The KFF COVID-19 vaccine monitor is an ongoing research project examining public attitudes and experiences with COVID-19 vaccinations. Using a combination of surveys and qualitative research, this project tracks the dynamics of public opinion during the development and diffusion of vaccines, including the trust and reluctance of vaccines, trusted messengers and messages, and the public's experience of vaccines.

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