Wanderlust Healthy and Holistic Approaches to Keeping Your Energy Up

As a naturopath, I regularly hear from my patients that they feel tired and lack the energy to function optimally throughout the day, all symptoms of a life in this incredibly prosperous and diverse world. Pulled in multiple directions by different roles and responsibilities, they often feel both overwhelmed and exhausted.

The truth is that energy zappers are all around us, some obvious, others hidden. The good news: almost all of them can be bypassed.

This simple lifestyle and the natural methods to boost your energies and get you fired on all cylinders are easy to follow and will guide you in the right direction to a happy, healthy, and revitalized life.

Here are my 5 fatigue zapping tips that really work.

Are you one of those busy people who instinctively, and probably now addicted, caffeine in response to your morning pick-me-up? For most people, caffeine is the savior! Stimulants work throughout the day to enforce them, but what if you want to find ways to increase your energy naturally? Is there a more holistic and ultimately healthier way to boost energy without caffeine addiction?

Well, lucky for you, yes there is! Jiaogulan is a Chinese excellent herb called "immortality herb" or southern ginseng. Just like other ginseng herbs, jiaogulan is known to boost energy, improve mood, and boost immunity by activating blood flow and circulation, and increasing the supply of oxygen and nutrients to your muscles and your bodyThis contributes to higher energy levels without the ups and downs of stimulants like caffeine.

If you rely on caffeine to boost your energy levels rather than proper nutrition, sleeping and tonic herbs that work synergistically with your body can backfire in the long run. Here's an idea: the new energizing jiaogulan-soaked drink Innerji is in town and this time it's caffeine-free, vegan-friendly with added vitamins B1 and B12.

Sleep is something that is easily forgotten when you are busy. From postponing bedtime to meet a deadline to missing a few hours of sleep because of work, many people are cutting back on the hours that should be spent in bed.

It is recommended to aim for around 7 hours of sleep a night, although some people will need a little more and others a little less. If you're not getting as much sleep as you need, you can try ending your day with relaxing pre-bed behavior. This could be taking the time to take a bath, read a book, or go to bed half an hour earlier than usual.

It's not uncommon for people with busy lives to feel stressed, anxious, or overwhelmed. Feelings of stress can make you unable to concentrate, mind racing, and find it difficult to switch off. The feeling of stress is closely related to fatigue. In many cases, it may not be possible to completely remove sources of stress from your life

However, minimizing lifestyle stress can increase your energy levels. Strategies for improving your energy levels include taking time to relax, read, do yoga, or go for a walk. You can also try mindfulness or meditation techniques that can reduce anxiety.

You may already know that it is easy to mistake hunger signals for thirst (we think we need food when we really need water). But did you know that thirst can masquerade as fatigue? Sometimes even mild dehydration can make you feel tired and lethargic.

The solution is simple: a large, cool glass of water. This is especially important for boosting energy after a workout, when your body is likely to be craving for fluids.

This may seem counterintuitive because when you feel tired, the last thing you want to do is get up and move your body. Studies have shown that a 10-minute walk when you're feeling tired is a better pick-me-up than a snack. When you need an extra boost of energy for your workout, opt for a caffeine-free alternative like the invigorating one Innerji drink.

To incorporate exercise into your day, you can try stepping away from your desk and taking a walk or going to and from your work place during your lunch break.

To sum it up, when you are feeling tired it is worth taking a look at your lifestyle to see what healthy changes you can make to boost your energy levels and feel better.

Kim Parsons

Kimberly Parsons is an Australian born chef, writer and trained naturopath. Her cookbook series entitled "The Yoga Kitchen" and "The Yoga Kitchen Plan" use traditional yoga philosophy and eating principles for long-lasting, lively health and happiness. Her latest book "A Balanced Life" combines her naturopathic and yogic philosophy in a beautiful health and lifestyle book to help us all find a lasting balance. Kimberly spends her time cooking at health retreats around the world and lives in the English countryside where she is a mom and enjoys cooking, gardening and writing. Believing wellness is not a prescription but a skill, you can find Kimberly speaking to companies and other wellness-related events across London.

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