Wanderlust November: Gentleness

We'll make ourselves comfortable this November. As the world begins to bring down the Christmas shopping season and Black Friday madness, we deliberately slow down and invite meekness by following the rhythm of the fall season as nature steps into the early stages of hibernation.

10-day soft reset: Free yoga and nutrition challenge

The most exciting start this month – our free 10-day Gentle Reset with Eoin Finn and Insiya Rasiwala-Finn! It starts on November 12th and we invite everyone to take part. Taken in beautiful Bali with the support of our friends at Ricola, this 10-day trip provides detox while building strength and resilience. Registration is free, so click here to sign up.

Best news? Each participant has the opportunity to win a luxury package for two Winter joy! 7th-9th January 2022. We will shortly announce the location of our first yoga ski experience and know that snow enthusiasts will be delighted with our choice.

Morning exercise

with Rosie Acosta


Rosie A

Do you know the feeling when you wake up to the sunrise? The inspiration and amazement are so tangible and channeled to Rosie Acosta who instilled awe in this morning exercise. With the gentle sounds of "Sunrise" by DJ Taz & Ingmarlo, your body will come to life and you will be grounded and energized for the rest of the day.

Awaken and soften

with Chelsea Korus


awaken and softer

Eliminate tension in the shoulders with this gentle upper body exploration. Start with a seated warm up followed by a series of standing poses including Extended Side Angle (Utthita Parsvakonasana), Crescent (Anjaneyasana), and Warrior 2 (Virabhadrasana II) while focusing on opening your shoulders.

Gentle movement + meditation

with Koya Webb


gentle creativity

In this class, Koya guides participants through gentle movement and meditation sessions. The meditation, which begins and ends the class, helps awaken intentions and provides relaxation and inspiration for students. Her crowd favorite "Eye Yoga" will help participants relax and reduce eye strain before guiding them through movements that have been shown to reduce stress and tension in the body.

Peace for relief

with Alex Dawson

Restore and share

Regulate stress in this calming practice that combines light stretching and restful postures with singing and sound baths. Bring relaxation to the mind and body as yoga meets sound healing.

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