Wearable devices can detect COVID-19

A research group from Mount Sinai tracked physiological data from health care workers using wearable devices to determine if COVID-19 could be detected before a positive diagnosis.

Devices like Apple Watches provide valuable information about the wearer, including sleep patterns and heart rate, and how the nervous system is working. Heart rate variability (HRV) can be tracked with a handheld device and used to monitor changes in the circadian pattern. This pattern can be used to describe the changes in the autonomic nervous system. Previous research has shown that low HRV can indicate an infection in a person.

To determine whether changes in HRV can be used as a predictor of infection, nearly three hundred healthcare workers at Mount Sinai Health System were asked to participate in an observational study. Each person wore an Apple Watch to track their HRV and took daily surveys to assess symptoms and infections. The physiological data of the workers was collected using a special app called the Warrior Watch Study App.

It was found that there was a difference in circadian rhythm and HRV between those who tested positive for COVID-19 compared to those who didn't. Changes were also observed on days when participants reported symptoms and symptom-free days. Diagnosis of SARS-CoV-2 is usually done using a nasal polymerase chain reaction (PCR) swab. The researchers were able to conclude that HRV metrics could be used to identify COVID-19 infections and symptoms.

One of the limitations of this study was that only a small percentage of the participants were COVID-19 positive. Further studies should be completed with a larger number of people in order to reduce any bias. In addition, all of the data was self-reported, which can result in unreliable data.

The information presented in this study is extremely valuable to those who may not have access to COVID-19 tests or are waiting for results. Testing for COVID-19 continues to be in high demand, so waiting times may be extended or there may be few tests. In addition, those who are asymptomatic or not showing conventional signs of COVID-19 could take advantage of monitoring their HRV and other physiological data using wearable devices.

As a precaution, key employees such as health professionals can use wearable devices to detect COVID-19. These people are at higher risk of developing COVID-19 and are routinely tested. However, you can choose to have your HRV monitored as an additional preventative measure. Wearable devices like Apple Watches are relatively accessible and can provide valuable information that could reduce further transmission of the deadly COVID-19 virus.


Hirten RP, Danieletto M., Tomalin L., Choi KH, Zweig M., Golden E., Kaur S., Helmus D., Biello A., Pyzik R., Charney A., Miotto R., Glicksberg BS, Levin M., Nabeel I., Aberg J., Reich D., Charney D., Bottinger EP, Keefer L., Suarez-Farinas M., Nadkarni GN, Fayad ZA. Physiological data from a wearable device will identify SARS-CoV-2 infections and symptoms and predict the diagnosis of COVID-19: observational study. Journal of Medical Internet Research. 29/01/2021: 26107 (in preparation / in print)

Image by Vicki Hamilton from Pixabay

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