Weekly Horoscope For November 9-15, 2020 From The AstroTwins

These two heavenly heavyweights joined forces on April 4th and June 30th and achieved the same level of Capricorn – their first conjunction in the sea goat sector since 1771! Capricorn is the symbol of business, business, and government, and in fact, these areas have seen quite a shake throughout the year. Supersizer Jupiter, the planet of global connections, expands everything it touches.

In Roman mythology, Jupiter (Zeus for the ancient Greeks) is the god of all gods – the ruler of heaven and thunder. In mythology, Pluto (or Hades for the Greeks) was the god of the underworld. Astrological traditions claim that Pluto rules all hidden things – from viruses to government conspiracies. This shadowy sign governs death, rebirth and transformation that “rise from the ashes”.

Heaven and Hell essentially come together during a Jupiter-Pluto conjunction (meetup). Perhaps the pandemic is our purgatory – that midpoint between the two areas. In fact, we live in a suspended state while we are in quarantine, waiting endlessly for answers, test kits, vaccine developments, medical care and more. We hope this final Jupiter-Pluto alignment sheds light on the answers that we have all vainly dug up to discover. (Read more about this fascinating alignment here.)

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