Weight Loss Exercises for Physically Challenged And Old Aged Senior Citizens, And Limited Mobility

Eat less and exercise more sounds so easily when you are on your way to shedding a few pounds. However, if you have a physical disability, you may find yourself between limited mobility and limited physical activity accompanied by weight gain. Exercising is harder as you gain weight and the more weight you gain, the more inactive you become. It seems frustrating and daunting when repeating this cycle. Read on to learn more about weight loss exercise for the physically challenged and elderly seniors with limited mobility.

Weight Loss Exercises for the Disabled and Old Seniors and Reduced Mobility:

Step 1: make a plan

Exactly how do you think you will overcome this type of situation? The good news is that even with limited physical activity, there are n many ways to lose weight. To get started, you need to first create a plan and then see how to execute it. Make sure to focus on the things you can do instead of the things you are not. With this attitude you can lose weight.

It is best to bypass your disability. If you have a problem with your legs, work on your upper body and vice versa. Try taking some short breaks for 30 minutes and repeating the cycle 4-5 times a week to see results.

Step 2: Approval from your medical staff

Second, before you start dieting or exercising, speak to your nutritionist or doctor once if you have any health problems. Take a medical test to make sure you're ready to start treatment. Take small, manageable steps that are specific and achievable as small changes add up to yield rewards later. Read on – Weight Loss Diet Plan For The Elderly.

Step 3: review your diet

Focusing on diet, especially reducing high calorie foods, should be your main motto. Cut down on fried snacks, refined, and processed foods. Focus on eating whole grains, fruits, vegetables, and lean protein. Always keep yourself hydrated. Diet and weight loss exercise for the physically challenged and elderly seniors with reduced mobility will help get you back on your health paths. Reading – Postmenopausal Diet. And how can you lose weight without moving?

old couple

Step 4: Weight loss exercises for the physically challenged and old seniors and mobility impaired

Exercise for the physically challenged

This particular training must be done in an open space or find an area without a carpet. Use a wheeled chair or you can make it in a wheelchair. Ride around with arms, legs, or both. Start with a minute and gradually increase to 5 minutes. You can play music of your choice to make your workout fun.

Exercises for the physically challenged

Put on the music of your choice. Sit on a bed / chair / wheelchair. Slowly start waving your arms, wiggling your hips slightly, tap your feet and do the number "8" in your arms and legs and have fun.

Weight loss exercises for the physically challenged and old seniors and mobility impaired

This can be done with 2 small hula hoops. Put them around your wrist or hands and try to spin them in circles. Also, if possible, do a number of "8" with your hips. Swing your arms along. This increases your heart rate and is fun too.

The tapping technique consists of using your fingertips to stimulate the body's energy meridian points. It works just like acupressure / acupuncture treatment to heal and replenish the body. Consult your therapist before starting with them.

laughing old lady

These are the best and most gentle alternative workouts and can be done anytime, anywhere. There are different laughing techniques and it's great to experiment with. Like smiling, giggling, laughing, laughing, yawning, laughing and so on. You can try these out at different tempos and volume levels. Make sure you survive at least 30 seconds.

  • Sit / sleep knee increases:

This is a great way to strengthen the hip muscles and is great for those in control of their lower body. This can be done while sitting. Lift one knee up until your foot is a couple of inches off the floor. Lower slowly and repeat the process. When you have completed one foot, repeat this process with the other foot. Repeat the process 10 times with a break of a few seconds.

Exercises of old age

This particular workout is really good when you have a weakened lower body. Best for people who have some control over their lower body. Place your buttocks on the front edge of the seat and place your feet flat on the floor. Slowly tilt your torso forward and try to use your legs to push yourself into a fully standing position. Gradually lower yourself back into the sitting position. This will help you increase the stability and strength of the lower body.

Exercises for the physically challenged

This strengthens your triceps, chest, and the front of your shoulder and is suitable if you have good upper body strength. Sit in a chair or wheelchair and place your hands on the armrests of the chair. Make sure they are right under your shoulders. Push yourself up until your arms are fully extended. Then slowly lower yourself until you are back in your sitting position.

Exercises in a wheelchair

Best suited for those who are wheelchair bound. Sit on your wheelchair and bend from your waist until your torso is facing the floor. From this position, gradually pull your head and back out to bring yourself to an upright position. Repeat the cycle.

Suitable for conditions where you have good control over your lower body. This exercise strengthens the lower body and promotes balance, flexibility and mobility. First, kneel on the floor. Bring one leg forward until you can put your foot flat on the floor. From this position, push into a standing position and later step back again with the same leg kneeling first. Repeat the same process with the other leg.

Ideal for people who have to practice walking and thereby strengthen their legs. Set up 2 chairs a few meters apart. Sit in one of them and rest your bum on the floor against the front edge of the seat with your feet flat. Slowly tilt your torso forward and try to use your legs to push yourself into a fully standing position. Gradually lower yourself back into the sitting position. Turn around and sit in the second chair. Stand up again and go back to the first chair.

Final grade:

So these are the alternative workouts that you can definitely try. Weight loss exercises for the physically challenged and elderly seniors with limited mobility. Last but not the least, be patient and reward yourself on the weight loss journey.

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