Weight Loss Tips ; Three-Point Health Recovery System

Tips for losing weightAre you looking for effective weight loss tips? My "three-point health recovery system" can be your answer

Are you looking for effective weight loss tips?

My "three-point health recovery system" can be your answer

Hey there…..

Our regular readers and followers must have noticed that we have recently reduced the number of posts on this blog. The reason is simple, we have thought about it and realized that it is high time to do everything mindfully. We gave many Tips for losing weight and today I plan to pursue the basic idea of ​​doing everything consciously. Every Wednesday I will speak from the bottom of my heart to my blog followers and share my recovery experience. You can read about me here …

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To get back to basics, let me begin with my battle against weight loss that had dragged me into the deep dark dungeons of depression for a long time, almost three years to be precise. The more I tried to control my food and diet, the more suffocating my life became with each meal. The mornings were cloudy as I had to hate myself when I was on the scales. To make matters worse, Covid-19 entered my life. The restrictions forced me to stop all outdoor activities. All day long I just thought about the futility of life and made myself happy with something really sweet. Sugar in all forms was the healing factor for my soul. My glutes ached and it became difficult to switch sides while sleeping at night. Every morning I swore to myself that it would be a new day, but by 10 a.m. I was back on the dark trail every day. I was ashamed of my body, my lack of self-control, and the only way to show myself some love was to prove myself to be the one who actually killed me; Eat food. I hated food, but that was the only thing I loved. I'm sure, as I talk about it, there are thousands of women wiping tears from their eyes because it's their story too … I'm right!

No wait! Life shouldn't end at this point because I was the same woman who lost 40 kg on the Atkins / Keto diet … Now I wasn't in the mood to control carbohydrates as I didn't want to face hair loss and muscle loss problems again. Yes, it took five years for my hair to regain its normal thickness and growth.

Weight loss tips; Three-point system for restoring healthMy life returned to normal after I decided to live one day at a time. After a long fight I wake up with just one positive thought "Today is a new day and I have to get better than yesterday." This was just the beginning, and it happened after I decided to make habit building and intuitive eating my preferences.

My tips for losing weight; Three-point system for restoring health

I decided to streamline my life and prepare my personal “Three-point system for restoring health”.

  • Eat 18-6 IF

  • 6 days of training

  • Say no to diets and scales

Well, that's pretty easy to understand, isn't it?

I do it every day Intermittent fasting for 16 hours with an eight hour meal window. What do i eat Anything and everything. Yes, I don't control my candy cravings because I eat something sweet after eating. For me, no sugar or sweetener in tea, simply because I don't like it. My meal window starts at 12 noon and ends at 6 p.m. If I eat before 12 one day, the closing time will also be postponed. One thing is clear, sometimes when I'm very hungry at night I fail and give up … I am not ashamed of a glass of diluted buttermilk or a couple of almonds.

Weight loss tips; Three-point system for restoring healthWake up with just one positive thought: "Today is a new day and I have to get better than yesterday."

In May I bought a treadmill so I could run without going out. Since May 15th I have been running regularly for at least 30 minutes a day. I keep increasing and decreasing the speed and incline as the mood takes me. I started by burning 100 calories a day, but now I've burned 300 calories. I refuse to put any undue pressure on my body or mind as it would destroy my purpose for enjoying what I am doing. Headphones in place and some fast-paced Bollywood music are enough to keep me happy.

  • Say NO to diets and scales

This is one thing that has changed my attitude towards health and weight loss. I know I am many pounds overweight, but I am in no rush to check my weight like I used to. The numbers make me sick of my life and I'm not in the mood for it. I just focus on not going on a particular diet and forgetting that I have two scales with me.

I stopped counting calories but yeah, I don't take anything solid after 6pm. I don't check my weight on the scales, but yes, I do exercise every day. I don't run on the treadmill, but yes, I walk with joy and try to slowly improve my speed. I know that if I continue to follow my "Three Point System for Restoring Health" I will never look for one Tips for losing weight ever.

Why don't you give it a try? After all, aren't we looking for good health for ourselves?

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