Well being Advantages of Corn on the Cob

Corn is healthier than you think:

  • Corn lowers the risk of heart disease
  • Corn prevents anemia
  • Corn contributes to good visibility
  • Corn contains important nutrients
  • Corn aids digestion and excretion
  • There are two concerns, however

Corn ears are a staple of many summer barbecues and they are a crispy, tasty accompaniment to many of the typical meat dishes. You can choose to skip the corn these days because you think it's just a starchy, high-carbohydrate side dish that has almost no nutrients in it. But if it does, you are definitely wrong. We're here to tell you that you can and should enjoy these ears of wheat and, in addition to all of the great taste, get health benefits.

Celebrate National Corn on the Cob Day on June 11th and keep it celebrated all summer as long as you can find fresh, sweet stems. Read on to discover five health benefits you can get from eating corn.

Corn lowers the risk of heart disease

As with many vegetables, corn is high in fiber. Consuming more fiber is linked to a decreased risk of high blood pressure and lower blood cholesterol levels. In fact, a 2013 study at the University of Leeds in England found that the higher a person's intake of fiber, the less likely they are to have a stroke and the fiber intake by seven grams per day to seven percent contributes to a reduction in the risk of stroke.

Corn helps prevent anemia

Corn is a good source of iron and can provide some protection against anemia. This condition occurs due to the lack of healthy red blood cells to carry sufficient oxygen around the body. This is more common in young women and people with chronic health problems or intestinal disorders. But corn doesn't just provide iron; It also contains vitamin A and beta-carotene, which have been linked to higher iron intake.

Corn contributes to good visibility

Corn is rich in lutein and zeaxanthin, carotenoids that have been shown to help maintain our eyesight. A 2015 study at health T.H. The Chan School of Public Health in Boston found that consuming foods high in lutein and zeaxanthin can provide significant protection against age-related macular degeneration, a common cause of vision loss in the elderly.

Corn compensates for certain dietary restrictions

Eating corn can be very beneficial for those whose diets are restricted in some ways. For example, people with celiac disease can't eat many forms of carbohydrates, but corn makes a great gluten-free alternative. In addition, for a vegetable, corn is relatively high in protein, containing around three grams per ear, which can help vegetarians achieve a reasonable intake for the day.

Corn helps with proper digestion

The fiber in corn, already mentioned above, is more efficient at moving food through the digestive system, which helps keep bowel movements regular and prevents constipation. The insoluble fiber in corn has been found to promote the growth of good bacteria in the gut as well. This benefits the digestive process and strengthens the immune system.

Concerns that corn is high in calories and sugar are myths worth shattering. An ear of corn – not soaked in butter or salted – provides about 150 calories, which is considerably less than the 310 in a bunch of grapes or the 270 in a cup of cherries. Additionally, the fiber in corn will keep you feeling satisfied longer, so you may find yourself indulging in less junk food later. Corn is sweeter than many other vegetables, but an ear only contains about six grams of sugar – similar to a serving of carrots.

So don't hesitate to pick up corn husks at your local farm stall or supermarket. Grill or steam your ears to get most of the nutrients in. And your leftovers can be used as a great addition to a salad or in a delicious homemade salsa.

Note: Two issues to be aware of.

More than 92% of the corn planted in the US is genetically engineered – most of it is Roundup (glyphosate) ready. In fact, corn is one of the most common genetically modified crops in the world. And despite claims to the contrary, you don't want glyphosate in your food. It's worth paying extra for organic corn.


Corn is a well-known allergen. It contains a protein Zeinwhat is the suspected culprit for this allergy. A reaction occurs when the body recognizes this protein as foreign and releases immunoglobulin E (IgE), antibodies that attack the protein. IgE then stimulates the cells in the immune system to secrete substances such as histamines, which are responsible for the symptoms. Only around 1-6% of people seem to have corn allergies, but for them the symptoms can be severe.

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