What We Need More Than Trees

Many things have changed my reality, turned it on their axis: the death of loved ones; a diagnosis of a life-threatening illness; the loss, the challenges and the birth of life as a human in this complex world of energies, power, love and fear. But something about the words "plant through appreciation, not through fear" moved me to a completely different examination of the natural world, our beautiful, precious planet and reality itself.

As an energy channel, I receive messages from the spiritual and energetic world every day. It was my question of how we can help our planet, which resulted in a “download” from the mind that summed up in simple terms everything I know to be true: This energy itself is more powerful than any single action and our intention – than Channel for this energy – lies the solution (or the problem). It was what I applied to my cancer healing. It is what I use in my daily work and life. Why should nature and our planet itself be different?

"The trees are in crisis," I was told. “You risk reaching a turning point where all trees will be lost.” I understood the interconnected aspect of nature: like a single tree – like the one on my street – connected to all trees and all continents by invisible fields is. I also understood the power of appreciation. What I didn't appreciate was how easy it was to respond to a global challenge: healing through appreciation, not fear. Because the energy with which we plant is contained in the result. And the last thing our trees or we need is more fear.

Of course, our planet needs more than just trees to calm climate change. It requires consistent, applied awareness and action. We contribute individually through our chosen energetic approach. Today and every day; through the choices, thoughts and energies that we radiate. When we include appreciation – especially when we want the changes our planet needs – our engagement changes and we develop a sense of agency. An increased sense of presence and responsibility. Of liveliness and inclusion. We feel the benefit of our contribution, knowing that a small but truly connected act or intention becomes a powerful addition to the environment we create – not just for nature but for future generations as well.

“The fall of the trees can be stopped. The turning point can be reversed, ”I was told. It requires our presence and participation: a willingness to create change and growth, to personally awaken and expand our values ​​… to change the narrative of our lives. And to apply it immediately. As only we can. The benefits far outweigh the risks, don't they?

Are you ready for more appreciation? Can you encourage others too?

Together we make a difference.

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Delilah Sullivan – Energy Channel, Healer & Mentor.

Delilah intuitively awakens energy, creates healing and leads us to the vital – and often elusive – inner alignment we are looking for. Her gift of awareness and the ability to walk between spiritual, energetic and physical dimensions enables this transformative and accessible work – online, in nature, with the land and in the workplace.

You can sign up for Delilah's newsletter – for more about trees, energy and life – and connect with Delilah at www.DelilahSullivan.com or on Instagram.

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