Why Figuring out Your Values Issues and Find out how to Outline Them

Life is a balance between being (letting life happen) and doing (letting life happen), and our values ​​are qualities inherent in both being and doing. It is our values ​​that help us create the kind of future we want to experience and how we show ourselves in life.

“Values” as a word are often thrown around, but many of us seldom stop asking what it means to us and how it could affect our lives. Values ​​are the things that we think are most important in life. In our youth, our parents or parents (like teachers) may have passed values ​​on to us, but as adults we need to determine the things that are important based on our own personal experiences.

When I was younger I was often asked what I wanted to do as a career, but no one has ever asked me what I stand for.

My upbringing and cultural conditioning required that I find a job and find one soon. Without really considering the qualities that I valued, I fell into a job that, although viewed as prestigious and "cool", was the exact opposite of what I was now standing for.

It took me many years to understand the dissatisfaction I felt both in my career and in myself. I did not know that my values ​​were an integral part of developing my self-esteem and I did not live my life in accordance with my values. It was not easy to move away from something I had been doing for eleven years by then and to feel comfortable in the security of the one thing that I was good at, but given the physical and emotional strain it was for meant to me, I am grateful that I could leave and reevaluate the kind of life I wanted to live – and what were the things that ultimately mattered most to me.

We have endless possibilities every day. How do we know the right decisions to direct our energy without knowing our values? How can we make the right decisions for our personal wellbeing?

With that said, here are 6 reasons why I believe it is important to understand what your values ​​are:

  1. Familiarizing yourself with our values ​​helps us in this Make meaningful decisions about our lives, decisions that resonate with the kind of person we want to be. They help to better inform our decisions and to make these decisions on purpose.
  2. Values ​​help us with this find our purpose in life and be clear about what we want. You can't expect to know what you want in life if you don't know what is important in life. Who are you and what impact do you want to have on the world? The career you choose is often an expression of your purpose in life, but you are more than what you do.
  3. They are the tools we stay with driven and motivated and they ultimately improve our general wellbeing.
  4. Our values ​​influence our thoughts, which create our words, which become our actions. Values ​​determine our behavior, and our decisions reflect our values. They can help us to behave the way we want our core to be. Our actions often reflect what we value, and when they don't, things no longer feel right in our lives.
  5. Without knowing our values ​​or living our lives accordingly, we are often faced with dissonance and dissatisfaction. Know our values helps us understand the things we don't appreciate – the things we need to distance ourselves from and the things that cause conflict in our lives.
  6. Knowing about our values ​​also helps us understand when we come into conflict with others and how to deal with conflict management. Most of the time it's not personal – it's just about different sets of values. Learn to make agreements with others about the things you value rather than expectations in order to respect the things that are important to you.

If you've never really thought about what your values ​​are, here are some questions you should ask yourself to help determine some of them:

  1. Who do you consider a hero? What do you admire about them? What qualities are you aiming for?
  2. Imagine a moment when you were happiest. What values ​​did you honor at that moment?
  3. When you think about your life as a story, what would you put in the next chapter if you wanted to Chapter be useful?
  4. If you have or want to have children, what qualities would you like to impart to them?
  5. What are the things You don't like others? (Flip them over to find the things you cherish).

Write down as many answers as you can think of, then circle the answers that you think are most important. Try to narrow your list down to around 10 primary values. Make sure you are comfortable with these values. With these values ​​in mind, you should write a statement of values ​​about how you want to live your life and behave in the world. Let this statement remind you to keep you updated and to be in a state of resonance and fulfillment.

Here is my value statement with my top 10 values:

I choose to live my life with friendliness and compassion, always looking for inspiration and being inspired. I appreciate doing mine family and important relationship priorities in my life as I pursue the things I love creative, to open to all the possibilities that lie ahead of us. I will find moments to be alone and focus on my personal Self care so that I can give more of myself to those who I am love. I choose to be fearless authenticHug who I am and what life I want to live.

Without knowing what is important to us, it can be much easier to get distracted in life by things that are not for our good or that get us somewhere that is good.

Honoring ourselves is often a journey of difficult choices, but it is worth the challenge. Don't go just to get along. Take a stand to live the life you dream of living. Take responsibility for your own experiences.

Because it can be so easy for us to lose sight of what is important to us, I thought I would leave you with this fantastic excerpt from one Physology today Article: "I would argue that it is more difficult than ever for people, and especially young people, to know what they value. Modern technology has created a fire hose of information for enhancing communication." media. The torrent of words and images that we let loose on ourselves can overwhelm us psychologically.

In the midst of the noise, we look in the mirror and find a person who is too fat, too old or, ironically, too critical and judgmental. We are unable to resolve our own insecurities, many of which are generated by media that continually entangle us in self-destructive behavior. We are unable to sit with the pain and distress that are a normal part of the human experience. Instead, we are offered more and more ways to escape it. We are unable to get through the mental entanglement of human judgment and lose flexible contact with others. Compassion, connection, fellowship and peace of mind disappear in chatter.

We always struggle with these matters. But never before have we had such a poisonous brew, where people compare themselves to others, judge others and themselves, and try to avoid discomfort.

The same cognitive processes that promote comparison, judgment, and avoidance can also enable us to establish connection, community, and community collaboration on the other. They can be used for better or for worse. We need to do better at creating modern minds for this modern world so that we can more directly connect our behavior to what we deeply value. "


Mariel Witmond is an international yoga teacher, coach and founder of
Kuula.tv. Half English, half Mexican (with an American accent), Mariel has practiced Ashtanga and Vinyasa Flow Yoga around the world for over a decade. Leaving behind her high-performing and stressful corporate job that made her unfulfilled and unhappy, she fulfilled her long-standing dream of becoming a yoga teacher in hopes of sharing the myriad of positive effects on her life with others. Mariel shares a passion for life coaching and nutrition, which along with yoga have become the pillars of her Mindful Sonder business – a holistic approach to wellbeing.

You can follow Mariel's journey further Instagram.

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