Why Jump Roping Is The New Running

What if you were told that a 10 minute skipping rope could improve your cardiovascular system just as much if not jogging for more than 30 minutes? This is entirely true, according to a 2013 study by the American Association for Health and Physical Education and Recreation.

No wonder, because the advantages that the jump rope offers do not seem to compare with other forms of training. It's not difficult to understand why skipping rope is the new walking.


The list goes on and on. The benefits of abseiling jumps include weight loss, muscle building and strengthening, coordination, endurance, and more.

Let's talk a little more in depth about each of them.

Torches calories

One of the best results with jumping rope is the calories you burn while exercising. This exercise causes your heart rate to burn calories not only during your workout but also after you finish it. It can boost your metabolism and result in higher calorie consumption even hours after you graduate.

Tones muscles

While it definitely lowers body fat, it can also be relied on to have physically toned muscles. You may think that your calves are only exercising (they do the brunt of the work), but in fact, your legs, shoulders, arms, wrists, and even your core work together to stay balanced and execute energy with every jump. It really is an all-for-one exercise.

Improves coordination

As we get older, we tend to lose our balance. The skipping rope keeps us flexible and allows us to recover quickly if we stumble or kick the wrong way. Some of us are born without natural coordination and therefore the skipping rope can improve that intensely. Hand-eye coordination is a great skill to have at any age.

Generates endurance

As mentioned above, this exercise creates serious stamina. It may feel very difficult to catch your breath at first, but if you keep going you will quickly improve your cardiovascular system.

You may even find other activities like jogging and other sports that are more natural for you after learning to jump rope.

How to jump rope

How to jump rope

Photo credit: Unsplash

So how do you jump rope

It's one of those things that you just have to dive into to get the hang of it. Don't feel discouraged if it doesn't click at first. It can be an uncomfortable thing to get into, but after a while you can get the hang of it.

Anyway, just follow these simple instructions and give it a try!

  • Reach for the ends of the rope where the handles place one in each hand.
  • Start with your feet in front of the rope so that it is right behind your heels.
  • Without jumping, swing the rope over your head and drop it on the ground in front of your feet.
  • Now jump over the rope.
  • Now try to do one thing by starting with the rope behind your feet and jumping as it hits the ground in front of you.
  • Once you've mastered this, you can try two in a row and so many more.

If you get really good, there are tons of tutorials online that will show you how to incorporate routines and tricks to spice up your routines.

Skip the running

Running is not for everyone. Some find it boring and a lot of effort for sometimes little results.

While running, this can be a great way to get an excellent jump rope in any area that running is performed. Your tone and arms work a lot more with skipping ropes than running.

You'll also practice explosive dynamic movements that will tone your legs while working in a coordinated manner. For maximum results in less time, abseiling wins the battle.

Who does it?

Everyone does it from kids to adults!

Even the professional athletes. It can be especially useful for sports that require a lot of footwork, such as walking. B. Boxing.

Boxing and skipping rope have always seemed to go hand in hand. That's because boxers realized even then that they can improve so many things at the same time.

Endurance, speed, footwork, strengthening and much more. If you want to improve your boxing skills, this is a good place to start.

Join the trend

Don't wait now!

Whether you've seen other athletes deal with the ropes or watched all of the Tik Tok videos, you've probably noticed that skipping ropes are all the rage.

And for a good reason!

Not only will you get amazing results when you practice it, but it can be really fun too. Once you master the basics, you can master various footwork patterns.

If you're a natural, you may even be able to invent certain routines with dance moves and tricks to really get the blood flowing. Jump rope is the ultimate definition for killing two birds with one stone.

About the author:

Sean Dudayev is the founder of Brawl Bros.. and has over 20 years of experience as a boxing practitioner and student. Its goal is to make the average person aware of martial arts training so that they can take advantage of the strong mind and body that you gain from practicing martial arts. Let's make martial arts the new fitness madness!

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