38 Yoga Quotes to Inspire Change and Transformation • Yoga Basics
As yogis, we always strive to develop and improve our body, heart and mind. As humans, we often become discouraged or stuck in a rut. Even if we cannot see a way to change, there are always opportunities to find new ways to reach our goals, desires and dreams. If you are longing for a big change, a fresh start, or a new direction, you can find support, inspiration, and encouragement by reading quotes about the yogic approach to change and transformation. We have collected 38 powerful yoga quotes to help you start success, start a new year, explore a new practice, try a new yoga pose, take new vows, or choose a new field of study.
38 Yoga Quotes About Change
We hope the following quotes will help inspire change, foster determination, instill optimism, and build confidence to reach a new you. It can be helpful to print out one or more of these quotes to post near your yoga practice room and to remind you of your intentions, affirmations, or goals.
- Stick to: Faith, Unity, and Sacrifice. Avoid: back biting, falsehood and curvature. Admire: openness, honesty and generosity. Control: tongue, temperament and spinning of the mind. Cultivate: Cosmic Love, Forgiveness, and Patience. Hatred: lust, anger and pride. Swami Sivananda
- Anyone who practices can have success in yoga but not one who is lazy. Constant practice alone is the secret of success. Svatmarama
- Since all towering trees do not bear fruit Until the next season, the tireless efforts will only be successful when the time of luck comes. Holy Avvaiyar
- Be the change you want to see in the world. Gandhi
- Change is not only inevitable, it always happens. If you truly embrace this concept of change as constant, all you have to do is grow, detach, venture inward, touch the mind, and find your source – the one responsible for taking you up in the ever changing seasons of life to keep the ground. Julie Weiland
- Close your eyes and imagine the best version of yourself possible. You really are Let go of a part of you that doesn't believe it. C. Assaad
- Do everything with a mind that lets go. Don't accept praise or gain or anything else. If you let go a little, you will have a little peace; If you let go a lot, you will have a lot of peace. When you let go completely, you have complete peace. Ajahn Chan
- Everyone has something divine in them something of his own, a chance for perfection and strength in even the smallest sphere that God offers him to take or to reject. The task is to find it, develop it and use it. The main goal of upbringing should be to help the growing soul get the best out of itself and make it perfect for noble use. Sri Aurobindo
- First, you have a definite, clear practical ideal; one goal, one goal. Second, you have the resources necessary to achieve your goals; Wisdom, money, materials and methods. Third, adapt all of your resources to this end. Aristotle
- I've mistaken discipline for ambition for many years. Now I think it's more about consistency. Get on the mat. Practice and life are not that different. Judith Hanson Lasater
- However many holy words you speak No matter how many you read, what use will they be if you don't act on them? The Dhammapada
- If you want to see everything as a miracle then it's perfect where you are right now. There is no place to run to. There is nothing else to do than to be in this moment and allow what should be. Big changes can come from this place of radical acceptance. The first step in any transformation experience is acceptance and surrender to the present moment as it is. From this place we have the awareness, the humility and the power to change that which is. Mastin tilt
- There is a lot of time left in this moment. In this moment you are exactly what you should be. At this moment there are endless possibilities. Victoria Moran
- Never underestimate the strength that you have to steer your life in a new direction. Germany Kent
- One of the basic principles of yoga: One small action done repeatedly can make a huge difference. Dr. Timothy McCall
- Use your heart, mind, intellect, and soul even in your smallest deeds. This is the secret of success. Swami Sivananda
- Remember, it doesn't matter how deep you go into a pose. What matters is who you are when you get there. Max Storm
- Reshape yourself by the power of your will; Never let yourself humiliate you. The will is the only friend of the self; and the will is the only enemy of the self. The Bhagavad Gita
- The goal of yoga is liberation from all limitations. So how do we overcome limitations? Look what happens when you do hatha yoga: a stiff and inflexible body will stretch, loosen, and relax. In the same way, when you use the other tools of yoga you will stretch your mind and bring your essential self into the light. Swami Radhananda
- The moment is now. The present moment is not just a sequence of past moments, but lives in its own way, completely and perfectly. And it is this new moment that requires our attention. Only in the moment can we be fully awake and respond to the real needs of ourselves and others. Only in the present moment can we be fully attentive. Llewellen Vaughn Lee
- The only person you are meant to be is the person you choose. Ralph Waldo Emerson
- There are only two days a year when nothing can be done. One is called yesterday and the other is called tomorrow; So today is the right day to love, believe, do, and mostly live. Dalai Lama
- There is always room for change But you have to be open to this change. Kathryn Budig
- There will always be people who can do it better than you. But it's ok like that! Start seeing competition as inspiration – without envy. Kathryn Budig
- Studying the asana is not about mastering posture. It's about using the posture to understand and transform yourself. B.K.S Iyengar
- The success of yoga is not in the ability to maintain posture, but in how it positively changes the way we live our lives and relationships. T.K.V. Desikachar
- The heart of the yoga practice is "Abyhasa". – steady effort in the direction you want to go. Sally Kempton
- Train your senses to be obedient. Regulate your activities to guide you towards the goal. Hold the reins of your mind while holding the reins of restless horses. The Upanishads
- We don't belong to the past dawns but until the lunch break of the future. Sri Aurobindo
- If you are inspired by a great cause, an extraordinary project, all of your thoughts break ties. Your mind crosses boundaries; your consciousness expands in all directions; and you find yourself in a new, great and wonderful world. Dormant forces, skills and talents come to life and you discover that you are a bigger person than you ever dreamed of. Patanjali
- Yoga doesn't change the way we see things. it transforms the person who sees. B.K.S. Iyengar
- Yoga is about clearing away whatever is within us that prevents our life in the fullest and most complete way. With yoga we become aware of how and where we are restricted – in body, mind and heart – and how we can gradually open and release these blockages. When these blockages are removed, our energy is released. We feel more harmonious and one with ourselves. Our life starts to flow – or we start to flow more in our life. Cybele Tomlinson
- Yoga is a dance between control and surrender – between pushing and letting go – and when to push and when to let go becomes part of the creative process, part of the open – ended exploration of your being. Joel Kramer
- You are never too old set a different goal or dream a new dream. C.S. Lewis
- You don't get good when you try to be good but by finding the goodness that is already within you. Eckhart Tolle
- You either get bitter or you get better. It's that simple. You either take what you've been given and let it make you a better person, or you let it tear you down. The choice is not yours, it's yours. Josh Shipp
- Your life is a sacred journey. It's about change, growth, discovery, movement, transformation, continually expanding your vision of what is possible, stretching your soul, learning to see clearly and deeply, listening to your intuition, and daring challenges at every step to accept. You are on your way … exactly where you should be right now … And from here all you can do is go forward and turn your life story into a great story of triumph, healing, courage, beauty, wisdom, wisdom Power, dignity and love. Caroline Adams
- Your current circumstances do not determine where you can go. All you have to do is decide where to start. Nido Qubein
Do you have a favorite yoga quote about change?
Did any of the above quotes resonate with you or give you some insight? Do you have a quote that motivates you to make changes that we didn't embrace? Let us know in the comments below!
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