5 Natural Pre-Workout Alternatives, From Sports Nutritionists
When deciding what exactly to eat before you start exercising, the first thing to look out for is carbohydrates. Glucose is the preferred source of energy for your brain and body, explains Nora Minno, R.D., nutritionist and trainer at Daily Burn. "Glucose is a simple sugar known as a monosaccharide that can be made by consuming a more complex carbohydrate that breaks down into glucose over time," she says. These complex carbohydrates can be anything from whole grain bread to fruit.
While protein doesn't necessarily give you the energy you need to move efficiently, eating it before you exercise helps to make sure you have enough amino acids to repair the muscles that you used during exercise says Minno. For this reason, in addition to the carbohydrates, it is advisable to mix some protein in your pre-workout snack or meal.
Minno also notes that micronutrients like vitamin B12 can help with energy production and muscle and nerve health, while magnesium can also help with muscle function. So, consider adding these to your list of must-have nutrients.
Finally, all experts mention that hydration is key to your best performance. Clark suggests monitoring your urine color first thing in the morning – if it's dark and focused, it means you're starting the day underwater. You should pee every two to four hours and produce a lighter fluid, she says.
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