How to Be Yoga Happy with Hannah Barrett

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Congratulations on your new book, Hannah! Was it a big dream of yours? When did you decide it was the right time to work on your very first book?

Hanna: Thanks, it's so exciting!

Yoga has had such a transformative impact on my life and I always knew I wanted to share it with as many people as possible and help people understand that yoga can be accessible to everyone, not just those who do the splits or meditate in the lotus position for two hours.

When lockdown came the book really took on new meaning as I turned to so many of the tools of yoga myself to help me find calm and strength. I created the proposal for the book and my literary agent landed yoga happy with my wonderful publisher Quadrille who shared the same vision. I really hope it helps people find calm, happiness and resilience in the chaos of the modern world!

Why "Yoga Happy"?

Hanna:  I think we all need a little more happiness in our lives right now! There is no magic switch or quick fix, but I firmly believe that yoga can have such a huge impact on our mental attitude. Not only in the physical movement (Asana), but also in the magic of the yoga mat. Whether through breathing, meditation, or the many mindfulness practices that are part of yoga, over time these tools bring a sense of inner strength, calm, and clarity. Yoga teaches us to connect with ourselves and with others, and I feel that this is needed more than ever right now. It helps us connect body, mind, and spirit to live lives of meaning, purpose, and freedom.

Who was the biggest influence and inspiration behind Yoga Happy?

Hanna: My husband Giles who has always believed in me and fills my life with love and laughter. I worked a pretty stressful job in finance for almost ten years, but after having my son I was reluctant to go back. When I suggested a complete career change, he said “go for it”. He was even the one who suggested I join Instagram all those years ago.

And of course, together we created two beautiful children who constantly teach us the joy of life and living in the present moment. Children are masters at living in the now and finding happiness in the smallest of things. It reflects the teachings of yoga so well.

What feelings do you want to leave behind while reading your book?

Hanna: A feeling of connectedness, strength and happiness. That you have the tools to nourish and support your mind and body, and that you feel like whatever life throws at you will be okay.

Now tell us who was the first person to read the book (besides your editor)?

Hannah: Fear cotton! And I still can't believe it because she's someone I admire a lot, I love what she does and the message she's spreading. We met at an event a few years ago and stayed in touch through Instagram. I reached out to see if she wanted to read it and was blown away when she said yes!

Cheeky question, but we might as well try: Is book number two in the works?

Hanna: Certainly! I'm working on some new book ideas right now and I'm just finishing an exciting project with my publisher on something else that we'll be announcing soon, check out this section!

Hannah Barrett is a London-based yoga teacher who helps students around the world feel confident and find strength on the mat. With 400 hours of Yoga Alliance training and a specialization in Anatomy, she also has a 42 hour Pregnancy Teacher Training and a 75 hour Postnatal Training. Teaching women before and after childbirth is a Hannah specialty, but she equally enjoys teaching all students to find their fire and power from within. Her style is dynamic, playful, anatomical and challenging, yet always accessible, with the intention of empowering you to create strength, resilience and connection, to feel grounded and have fun in the process. She is known for strengths-based creative flows with fun and unexpected transitions and modifications to make the flows accessible to everyone.

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