How To Completely Eliminate Sugar From Your Diet

How to Eliminate Sugar Completely from Your Diet

In one of my previous posts on sugar, I said sugar is like Mr. India, it's invisible 😉 but it is present in most things that we think don't have sugar.

Sugar is addicting and longing for it more and more. Ways to Combat Sugar Cravings and more about sugar addiction in my upcoming posts.

Let's see how to completely eliminate sugar from your diet

sugary lips_ why sugar is bad

Step 1 – Discard refined sugars from your kitchen

This is not Mr. India, it is very visible. Replace your refined sugars in tea / coffee with stevia. If you can't do without sugar in some dishes, try using brown sugar.

Step 2 – Stop all sugary drinks

Sugary drinks include carbonated drinks, sweetened coffee cans, energy drinks, processed fruit juices, soy and almond milk that you can get in the market.

Now you might think to read labels before buying anything from your favorite supermarket, but the people out there marketing these products think we are stupid and we are sure! You can't trust food labels these days because most of them are flawed. Second, by the way labels are written, you will calculate in your head how many calories it has, you will get confused and in the end you will buy. So the best first step is to completely eliminate sugary drinks. If you can't do without it at all, drink a glass of fresh juice or a diet cola; these are not sin free, but better than the rest of the devils out there.

Step 3 – Get Rid of Junk Food

How to Eliminate Sugar Completely from Your Diet

Junk food always contains sugar, whether it's sweet or not. Sweet junk food includes cookies, cakes, candies, chocolates, health bars (yes, they are as bad as junk food), ice cream, etc. Popcorn, instant soups, fries, pasta, pizza – anything junk that contains sugar that doesn't taste sweet . Sweet or not, junk food is laden with sugar and the main culprit for addiction. If you're not sure whether or not a food is junk, treat it as junk and walk away. When in doubt, it is always better to stay away.

It may take you 2-3 weeks or a few weeks to reach this non-junk state, but it is achievable. You can't 100% avoid garbage, but 80% performance is too good to be true. Remember, it's never about perfection, it's about being a little bit better than last time.

If you eat a lot of processed foods, make a list of foods that you tend to overdo and toss the hem out of your kitchen. You should never make an entry on your shopping list.

Step 4 – Switching from Bad Carbs to Good Carbs

When you get here, the job is half done. Pat your back! At this stage, your body will thank you for ending the torture you caused in the past by consuming so much sugar and garbage. You can phase symptoms like a headache, but stick with it, it's only a matter of time. There is no turning back from here.

In just a few days, you would experience more energy, glowing skin, and no lethargy after meals. You will feel less hungry and irritable.

Step 5 – Eliminate all flavor enhancing foods

Sauces, ketchup, jams, etc. are some of the side dishes that we eat with our main meals. Tomato sauce with omelette spoils the goodness of eggs with sugar that the sauce contains. Think about it!

All foods labeled as healthy such as low-fat, low-calorie, sugar-free, no fat, no sugar – are all BAD. They can even contain awful elements like hydrogenated oil or aspartame.

Step 6 – Go ahead and stick with this new way of eating

Enjoy natural / underprocessed foods for life. After a long journey, give your body the health it deserves. Indulge in a treat every now and then, but stick to your healthy diet. Who says that healthy food cannot be delicious, take a look at our recipes here!

If you can't do it on your own and need help, join our weight loss program, details here.

Will you try to keep sugar out of your diet for life?

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