Is The Dating Site Worth Trying In 2022?

After taking the compatibility quiz, you can build out your profile, which took me at least 20 minutes. You can click from a long list of icons that represent your lifestyle and include interests and hobbies (ex. art, listening to music, etc.), sports, travel preferences, and more. There are also a bunch of questions and prompts you can write an answer to, like “If I need advice, I’m calling…” Like other dating services, the app also prompts you to upload photos. And don’t think you can skip over this detailed process: In the free version, you have to fill out enough of your profile to even message or see other users. 

The website is pretty simple to navigate after that, and you can search for people to match—who are in the preferences you choose. When you visit someone’s profile, you get a compatibility score, which represents how your compatibility quiz results align. It was definitely interesting to scan through and see if they’re as empathetic as I am, if they’re more emotional or logical, or if they are adventurous. I could see how knowing some of those aspects would make me more or less interested in someone. And if you pay, you can also see people whose profiles you visited, and vice versa. 

It’s important to note: There’s a huge difference between the free and paid versions once you get to the stage of seeing other profiles. To actually see your match’s photos and send messages, you have to pay for a premium membership. Otherwise, the photos will be blurred, and you’ll have very limited messaging capabilities. In other words, there’s honestly not much you can do without paying. 

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