Mobile Medical Units: Here’s What You Should Know

A mobile medical unit is a medical team that travels outside the hospital with equipment to provide care in the field (at home, on the street). It is "the hospital that comes to the victim" and not "the victim that goes to the hospital". It is also sometimes referred to as a mobile intensive care unit.

A mobile medical unit is usually transported by an ambulance and has diagnostic and treatment equipment (including medication) in it. In addition to the pilot, the crew consists of at least a doctor and a nurse. A mobile medical unit is a vehicle armed by a mobile emergency and resuscitation service.

A mobile medical unit can be:

  • an ambulance equipped with all equipment and medication to load and transport a victim on site;
  • a station wagon (radio medical vehicle, VRM or light medical vehicle, VLM) with the same medical equipment; the transport then takes place in a private ambulance or an ambulance and rescue vehicle for the victims of the fire service the private ambulance or the VSAV becomes a de facto UMH;
  • a helicopter that is either intended for medical use or into which the conditioned material is loaded.

The mobile medical unit can have two roles:

  • If a medical team and their equipment brings their equipment to the scene of the accident or illness, it is the "hospital that is sacrificed" (stay and play, the patient is treated on site before he is transported, or play and run, the patient is stabilized to allow emergency evacuation); the mobile medical unit can then arrange for the victim to be transported to a hospital (“primary” transport);
  • Transport of a patient in need of care between two care facilities (so-called "secondary transport").

The interventions of the mobile medical unit take place according to their prescription.

The crew of mobile medical units is legally composed of an emergency doctor, a nurse and an ambulance driver.

However, in situations where the presence of a doctor is not required (especially with certain secondary transports), a mobile medical unit can be reduced to a nurse and an ambulance driver.

There are no two solutions: Technological developments in healthcare have saved countless patients and are constantly improving our quality of life.

In addition, technology in the medical field has a massive impact on almost all processes and practices used by health professionals.

The benefits of using other mobile devices

Whether it's accessing a patient's EHR, reviewing a patient's medical history, writing follow-up emails, or sending prescriptions to pharmacies, smartphones allow doctors to perform tasks from almost anywhere in the world perform.

Improved communication eases the role of medical billers by letting them send SMS notifications about pending payment plans and bills. Mobile communication can also reduce mail, paper consumption and unnecessary telephone times.

The disadvantages of mobility

Even with the most advanced technology, human errors cannot be completely erased. Mobile devices can be easily lost or stolen and are also prone to hacking, malware and viruses (especially if the devices are used over insecure internet connections).

Digitization of medical records

Electronic health records (EHRs), which are replacing obsolete paper records, have changed the game for everyone in the medical world. Medical assistants, medical programmers, and registered nurses are just a few of the roles affected by this industry-wide implementation.

Nurses and technicians are responsible for entering patient data into a central digital system. Billers and medical coders update patient records with diagnostic codes (e.g. test results) and submit claims to insurance companies.

Patients can not only access their documents at the push of a button, they can also identify errors more easily (without having to go through the doctor's illegible handwriting).

About the author:

Jhon Issac: I'm a great health content writer. I love researching different topics in the health industry. Exchanging information on important topics and educating people across multiple platforms is my satisfaction. I hope that by reading my articles, I will help people heal their health.

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