Walk Weight Loss, How to do it!

Of all the options available, walking is the easiest and most powerful tool for exercise and weight loss. although it is generally ignored because it has no meaning. Best of all, good music doesn't require any devices, just a long walk and headphones.

Today I want to share with you a simple hiking plan that will help you lose extra weight in just a few weeks. But before I do that, I want to guide you on different ways of walking (yes, you heard I am right, even if walking has ways, surprise !!) and the right way to walk.

Types of walks:

Brisk walk: It is a moderate intensity activity. It's a challenging pace, but you still shouldn't lose your breath. Your heart rate should be 50 percent higher than your normal heart rate. For the first 3 weeks, walk for about 20 to 30 minutes at least twice a week as indicated in the plan below, gradually increasing the time to 30 to 40 minutes

Quick walk: It's a walk in the face that should keep your heart rate 70 to 80 percent above normal heart rate. If you are swinging your arms with full force, you should not be able to speak.

Speed ​​Walk: This is a combination of brisk and fast walking. Brisk walk for about 3 minutes and then a quick walk for 1 minute. Slowly decrease your brisk walking time and the cycle should be 1 minute brisk walking and 1 minute brisk walking. Walk for about 25 minutes at least three times a week, gradually increasing the time to 35 minutes.

Correct running style:

Go weight loss

  • Always warm up and let cool down. Walk in the normal place for 5 minutes at the beginning and 5 minutes at the end.
  • With your back straight, keep your shoulders curled back and down and look straight, but be careful not to fall into the pit.
  • Bend your arms 90 degrees and squeeze your saw blades as you walk.
  • Land on your heel as you bring your leg forward.

Hiking plan:

Monday Brisk walk
Tuesday Speed ​​walk
Wednesday Rest
Thursday Speed ​​walk
Friday Brisk walk
Saturday Speed ​​walk
Sunday Rest

Follow this plan for 12 weeks and I am sure you will lose a hell of a lot of weight (my PE teacher says almost 10 kg). Let me know who will all be following him.

Enjoy what you are doing and be regular in order to achieve your goal. Stay fit, stay happy!

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